The Instructions herein are established to advertise Kaohsiung City, encourage video firms to shoot films with scenes in this city, as well as to provide better services in aspects of locations and equipment, which will be implemented before formal announcement of Service Management Rules for this Center.
The organization and the individual meeting any of the following terms shall be allowed to borrow the locations or the facilities from this Center.
- When accepting the video production groups to shoot films in the locations of this city, college graduation films shall be allowed for student groups; however, we also offer support services for other types of student productions.
- The episodes of the film are correlated to this City, or written plan that will bring positive effect to the promotion of this City and where it is agreed by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government.
- The borrowed facilities shall be used in this City only.
The Film Shooting Application Form shall include the following attachments:
- The Application Form produced by this Center.
- Film Shooting Creative Plan (planning/footage/script/applicant and company contact method/location requirements).
- Detailed shooting content and schedule.
- Shooting schedule
Venue application process – working days
When using general venue: 7~10 working days (excluding holidays)
When using special venue: The Applicant shall submit a letter to the responsible venue unit 20~30 working days ahead (varied depending on the nature of each case).Use of roads:
Intermittent traffic control/street blockin- The Applicant shall submit a Traffic Control Plan, brief workpiece plan, detailed shooting time, route (plan drawing and photos, etc.), description of episode, shooting method, special demands, site control method, description of detour, and bulletin position, etc.
- Joint investigation/shooting coordination meeting.
- The road-blocking announcement shall be erected one week before the shooting.
Contingent change not accepted during the road-blocking film shoot.
Use of meeting room:
Using date, time, and meeting content. -
- If violating the rules: If the film is produced without following the requirements enforced by each venue and where serious result has occurred, then this Center shall report the case to the Film Shooting Support Center of the respective county and city deployed in Taiwan through Bureau of Audiovisual And Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture.
- Lending of facilities:
Each borrowing period shall be limited to 3 consecutive days per time (limited to renewal for once). When the time expires, the Applicant shall register the application again. In the absence of other applicants, the Applicant shall submit the extension request to this Center and continued using shall be allowed after being approved. If damage occurs to the space, equipment, facilities or public properties borrowed from this Center, the Applicant shall be liable for repairs and compensation within one week. If failing to complete the repairs or make repairs when due, then this Center may ask for compensation money from the Applicant.
[This Center shall reserve the right of explaining and interpreting any matters not provided herein.]
[ Instructions for Assistance ]